Michael Embler


Michael J. Embler

Independent Director
Director since 2022
Audit and Compliance and Investment Committees

Key Experience and Qualifications

Mr. Embler brings to our Board deep investment, finance and healthcare expertise. He is widely recognized for his success and insights as an institutional investor and seasoned board member, with deep experience across a broad range of industries, including healthcare, capital intensive industries and finance. As the Chief Investment Officer of Franklin Mutual Advisers, he oversaw over $85 billion in assets under management and 25 investment professionals. He is also an experienced director, with over 20 years of public board experience, including in the healthcare space.

Professional Experience

  • Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, an investment advisory firm
    • Chief Investment Officer (2005-2009)
    • Head, Distressed Investment Group (2001-2005)
  • Various roles culminating in Managing Director, Nomura Securities, a leading global financial services group (1992-2001)
  • Director, Taubman Centers, Inc. (formerly NYSE: TCO) (2018-2020)
  • Director, Kindred Healthcare Inc. (formerly NYSE: KND) (2001-2008)

Private Boards and Community Service

  • Member, Risk Advisory Council – New York Chapter
  • Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight, National Association of Corporate Directors
  • Certificate in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability - Columbia University

Other Current Public Company Directorships

  • American Airlines Group Inc. (NYSE: AAL) (since 2013)
  • NMI Holdings (NASDAQ: NMIH) (since 2012)


Our leadership team and board of directors is an accomplished group of executives at the forefront of real estate, healthcare innovation, investments and public policy.


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